Throughout eight seasons, That '70s Show saw many storylines and adjustments. This tin only be expected from a prove that airs for such an extended period of time. Withal, the sitcom also received backlash towards its terminate over the belief that besides many elements had been lost that gave That '70s Show its original appeal and memorability.

As a result, many viewers thought thatThat '70s Show no longer felt like it in one case did and that the magic was lost. This makes the cardinal elements that the show retained even more about and dear to fans' hearts.

10 Lost: Eric's Departure Leaves A Pigsty In The Group Dynamic

Eric Forman, That'70s Show

Throughout That '70s Bear witness, the group of teenagers centered around Eric Forman, who also acts equally the grounding element by being the most downward-to-earth and relatable member of the group. Equally the grouping's Star Wars fanboy, Eric endures teasing and is unable to attain a seemingly easier level of solar day-to-twenty-four hours existence equally the stereotypically cool Stephen Hyde or popular ladies' human being Michael Kelso.

All the same, this characterization, along with his firm being the virtually common setting, means Eric is That '70s Show's foundation. When Eric leaves subsequently season seven, the show no longer has this grounding element and Randy Pearson is widely viewed as a poor and disliked replacement.

nine Kept: Red And Kitty'south Union Tin can Survive Anything

Red and Kitty Forman, That '70s Show

The relationship between Scarlet and Kitty is a written report in opposites concenter. Ruby is the gruff, strict, and no-nonsense disciplinarian who is peculiarly hard on Eric. On the other hand, Kitty is the excitable and cheery homemaker who sees through Laurie's sweet demeanor and overly mothers Eric. Even so, the pair are a bully friction match and provide a stable backdrop to the teenagers' shenanigans.

While seemingly obstructive to the younger character's desires, the parents' behavior is understandable and they even provide witty commentary and hilarious antics of their own.

8 Lost: Kelso's Antics Are Sorely Missed

Michael Kelso, That '70s Show

Michael Kelso is the source of much of That '70s Testify's comic relief. His puppy-similar enthusiasm and flaky beliefs contribute to his humor as he fails at pranks and elementary logic. The group fifty-fifty takes joy in reliving his wilder moments, including when he accidentally glued himself to the Formans' fridge, prematurely lit a bag of dog poo, and broke his arm on the same day he got bitten past a rabid raccoon.

Like Eric, Kelso also leaves after season seven. Although he makes cameo appearances during flavor 8, he is no longer around to provide his slapstick comedy, leaving That '70s Show drier and less fun.

vii Kept: The Foreman'due south House Provides The Main Setting

that 70s show

The Forman household sets are iconic since they are the most mutual locations for That '70s Show'due south storylines. The basement is widely-honey for the teens' memorable circles and known for the characters' scatty lines.

The kitchen and dinner table is where entertaining family meals and Kitty'southward cooking take identify. The driveway has seen endless games of basketball and conversations. With the house belongings such an of import identify in the evidence'southward lore, it makes sense why the producers kept it after the principal graphic symbol (whose residence it is) leaves.

vi Lost: Hyde And Jackie's Break-Up Led To Controversial Last Pairings

Stephen Hyde and Jackie Burkhart, That '70s Show

Though an odd pairing like Kitty and Red, the relationship betwixt Hyde and Jackie gained fan-favorite status. The couple positively influenced each other, with Hyde showing a softer side and letting down his defenses while Jackie matures from a spoiled daughter into a more level-headed and tougher adult female.

While the couple were originally planned to stop That '70s Show together, new producers for season 8 shot this down and intentionally broke them upward due to disliking them together. In the cease, Hyde marries Samantha and Jackie ends up with Fez. This conclusion is still considered 1 of That '70s Bear witness's most notable letdowns.

5 Kept: The Testify Retains The Menstruation Aesthetic To The Terminate

roller disco, '70s outfits- That '70s Show

Though it does not examine the society of 1970s America with the same in-depth analysis that other shows do for other eras, the visuals and general aesthetic of That '70s Testify are very much meant to evoke the vibe and sensory experience of 1970s nostalgia.

This element is incorporated throughout the seasons with the characters' clothing, pop culture, cars, fads, and referenced political backdrops. It is fifty-fifty done subtly at times. For case, disco is all the rage during early on seasons only the characters treat it as a dying tendency in later episodes.

4 Lost: Lisa Robin Kelly'south Laurie Was Superior To Christina Moore's Version

Both Versions of Laurie Forman, That '70s Show

In terms of which version of Laurie Forman is more popular with viewers, the preference is articulate. While Christina Moore tries her best, Lisa Robin Kelly had a vibrant and razor-precipitous border to her presence that makes Laurie come live onscreen.

Laurie's human relationship with Eric also feels more similar a assuredly antagonistic and competitive sibling rivalry with Kelly in the role. Additionally, information technology does non assist that Laurie is not given as much screentime or importance after the recast, raising the question of whether Moore would have been more than memorable if she had been given more material to work with.

3 Kept: Showrunners Saw Well-nigh Of The Master Characters' Respective Plotlines And Arcs All The Manner Through

Fez and Jackie, Kelso and family- That '70s Show

Bated from some cases, such every bit the unresolved issue of Fez's spontaneous marriage to Laurie and Randy's lack of focus, the main characters all see some sort of closure to their arcs and storylines past the finale. Reddish and Kitty cull not to leave Indicate Place. Hyde inherits his begetter'south last tape store. Kelso is raising his girl with Brooke and has matured somewhat. Jackie finds dear with Fez.

Donna plans to exit for higher and while Eric returns from Africa to reaffirm their relationship, it is unsaid that long-distance volition work. Though some choices were questionable to viewers, the writers still ensured the characters a concise send-off.

ii Lost: Storytelling Became Tired And Foreign

that 70s show

Some of That '70s Prove's plotlines are remembered for the wrong reasons, especially later its quality dipped. One example is Donna's relationship with Randy after Eric leaves. Randy was not popular, their human relationship is not truly explored, and Donna ends upwards dorsum with Eric anyway, making it seem a waste of time from start to terminate.

Another instance was the cancellation of Eric and Donna's wedding. Since the characters overcome obstacles leading up to this payoff, it felt similar a cop-out to viewers and an obvious attempt to keep to the status quo of an episodic sitcom.

1 Kept: Producers Realized The Irreplaceable Nature Of The Original Bandage

Original Cast- Finale, That '70s Show

Thankfully, past the finale, the writers seemed to recognize that capturing the true show'due south essence and spirit was essential for a worthy ending. With the New year's day countdown approaching to officially stop the '70s, the original primary characters appear together i last fourth dimension to celebrate.

Eric fifty-fifty arrives back domicile after existence absent for the entirety of season viii and shares a moment with Donna in the driveway. The young cast then shares one final circle in the basement before dashing upstairs as the countdown begins, concluding That '70s Prove.

Next: x Celebrities You Forgot Invitee-Starred On That '70s Testify