
Easy Drawings of Flowers in a Vase

Cartoon of flower is one of the beautiful topics of all because flowers are i of the cute things of nature. And so we will learn iv different drawings of how to draw flower piece of cake step by step for kids in this article.

Tabular array of content of flower drawing for kids:

  • How to draw a flower easy
  • Drawing of flower pot
  • How to depict blossom in a vase
  • Flower bouquet drawing

How to draw flower pace past step easy

Pace ane

Depict two parallel lines with little space in between from center lesser of the drawing page in upward direction.

Step two

On the top end of the two parallel lines which we have drawn in the above step, draw a small circle.

Pace 3

Describe the shape of U with points attached to the pocket-size circle as shown beneath

Step iv

Now depict on each side of parallel lines ii curves with edges joint to depict the leaves of the flower

Step 5

At last depict the veins of the leaves and niggling grass on the lesser of the drawing page

Step six

Now color the leaves & grass in green colour and the flower in violet color

how to draw a flower

How to draw flower pot

Footstep 1

Draw two horizontal lines with space in betwixt and so join both the ends of these parallel lines with a curve equally shown beneath

Pace 2

Now from second parallel line draw two sloppy in downward direction and bring together this sloppy lines with direct to consummate our pot for the flowers

Footstep 3

From the top line of the pot draw two parallel line longer in height then draw some other parallel lines little chip smaller in height and and so another parallel lines lilliputian fleck more smaller in tiptop

Step four

At present as we have drawn the flower in above tutorial draw 3 flowers as shown beneath

Step 5

Similarly depict the leaves of these three blossom and outline the cartoon with black mark

Footstep 6

At last fill the drawing of flower pot with cute colors

how to draw a flower pot

How to draw bloom in vase footstep by step

Stride 1

Draw 2 curves with space in between and the bottom ends of these curves should be joined with a straight but footling flake bend line as shown below

Step 2

Now from the top end of the curves draw ii sloppy lines in upwardly direction and then bring together these sloppy lines with a straight line.

Stride 3

This time we will depict the leaves first so describe the leaves of the flowers in the vase as shown beneath

Step 4

At present from the leaves we will depict the stems of the flowers as we drawn in the cartoon of blossom pot.

Footstep five

Draw pocket-sized circles on the top ends of stems and describe V'due south originated from the pocket-size circle as shown below

Step 6

Bring together the points of V to each other to consummate the petals of the flower

Step 7

At present draw some design on the vase to make it impressive and don't forget to outline the whole drawing of flower vase

Step 8

Color the flower vase cartoon with attractive colors as shown below

how to draw a flower vase

How to draw a bouquet

Step 1

Nosotros will extract the cover of the bouquet, so firstly draw a downside curve and from both the ends of the curve draw two sloppy lines in downwards direction then once again from the pinnacle ends of the curve describe two curves in upward management with a articulation of shape edge.

Stride 2

Now draw different types of flowers similar rose, tulip, y'all can draw the flowers we have drawn in above tutorials. Merely describe three four flowers as shown below

Step 3

Depict some leaves of the flowers and the knot on the encompass of bouquet as shown below

Pace 4

At last color the flower bouquet with attractive colors and to make the drawing clean outline it with black marker

how to draw flower bouquet


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